Thursday, 27 May 2010

OUGD103 - End of Module Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The main skill that I have learned is probably the development of my time management. In general I'm not a very organised person but this module has really helped me manage my time because I had to. I feel like I spent a lot more time working on this module than any of the others so far as i was spending so much time in college which id definitely something important that i have learned. Being in college to do work is much easier than being in my room and I have been in on a lot of days off so that I can work properly. I have also realised that it is better to stay a couple of hours after college finishes because a lot of work can get done in that time.
I think that the quality of the final product is definitely better in this module as I have developed a much better finishing quality. I think its easy to see that the final pieces are crisp and clean and are some of my best work to date.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Research has been a strong point in this module and I think I have developed a good method for getting the right amount and picking what research is relevant or less relevant and knowing what else needs to be done. I've used both primary and secondary research and I think I have learned when it is best to use each type of research effectively.
I have also developed my work by using research to back up my reasoning and to kind of prove that my work is going in the right direction for a specific course.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I can definitely say that I have strengths in using computer applications to create my work which is something that I had some knowledge of before the course but have now developed much more. I have also found my skill in InDesign which is a program that I have never used before this module but have now become really comfortable in using.
I have also got much better and more consistent with blogging as the module has gone on which has been really useful.
Another strength in my work is my idea generation and the development of my ideas. I go into a lot of detail when developing my work and I find it really useful to write a lot of what I'm doing because it makes it a lot clearer to me and allows me to look back over my work and see what happened when. I also like to come up with a lot of different ideas so that i can see which ones work and which ones don't but also see parts of an idea that could work together with another.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

Usually my weaknesses come in the finishing quality of the work but I have been a lot more successful in this module than in others. There are some issues with the finishing quality in some of my products, for example the money slot in the money box is kind of rough around the edges and one of the inside cards has a big pale yellow mark that looks like some kind of stain on it which I didn't see until after it was laminated. Aside from those small issues, i think the quality of my final pieces are getting much stronger and it is something that I want to continue to develop.
Another weakness is leaving enough time for developing the final visuals properly. This happened to an extent in this module but has got a lot better especially in the last brief. I often spend too much time developing ideas and different products or generating new ideas and end up leaving myself only a short time to piece together a final resolution to the brief which can show in the quality of the resolution.
In this module I have got lot better at managing my time and felt relatively comfortable about my timings and I think that the resolutions show this.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- I'd like to be even more ambitious with my resolutions next time because I think it really paid off in this module.
- I'd also like to try working with other design processes aside from just illustrator and photoshop to create my resolution, as it could give a totally different style of resolution and could fit a different brief really well
- I'd also like to properly manage my time on a chart or something, showing when the final crit is and realising how long I need for each part of the brief (ideas, development, production, printing etc)
- I would like to work a lot more by hand as well. I have said this quite a lot, but in this module I did do some drawing and working non-digitally which worked out really well for me and I'd like to continue that.
- I'd like to spend a lot more time coming in to college on days off as well. It has been really useful to come in to college so much and I have seen the amount of work that I can get done when I'm properly motivated and have access to a good working environment like this one.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:(please indicate using an ‘x’)
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance = 4
Punctuality = 5
Motivation = 5
Commitment = 5
Quantity of work produced = 4
Quality of work produced = 5
Contribution to the group = 4

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