Friday, 21 May 2010

Speaking From Experience

In this above example I was working with the idea of having the character on fire and then by using the money box the fire goes out and he is fine again. I came up with a few different ideas for how the fire should look but eventually settled on this relatively calm looking fire. 
I also wasn't sure whether to include some fire in the middle frames to change them up a bit, but eventually decided that it didn't really make sense to have his arm on fire if it wasn't in the first frame and it all seemed like a bit too much.

I eventually settled on this one, using a small wisp of smoke to represent the fire just going out. 

In the next sequence I wanted to have the idea that the character is a robot (Looking quite unhappy) which uses the money box and turns back into a human again. 
I came up with the general look of the robot and kept the same hair style to relate it back to the character. 
In this above example i was working with the idea of having knuts for eyes but eventually I thought it just looked weird and the final image would be so small that they would probably just look like circles. 

I chose to keep the simple small round eyes that the original character has but left them without a fill colour to make them look less human. I also wanted to as an antenna to build on the robotic look. I started with this simple look of just one antenna. 

I then quickly realised that the form of the body was quite rounded and human so i squared off the shoulders to create a more robotic effect.

I also tried to work with two antennas but I thought it looked a bit more alien than robotic so I stuck to just one. 

I made the robot look sadder by tilting his head forwards as though looking down and raising his eyebrows. 
I wanted to include the robot idea through the middle two frames as well so I changed the form of the hand into a pincer-like shape and gave the arm a robotic feel inside the shirt. 

In this final example I just simplified the design by removing the parallel circles going up the arm. 

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