Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Redesigning the packaging.

As part of my responsibilities for the YCN brief I had to look at trying to redesign the packaging and maybe edit part of the branding to represent the event/ 20 years longevity of the brand.
To start this I looked at an original example of the packaging and thought about what parts worked and what parts were necessary to keep and what parts could potentially be changed.

This is where the first problems came when I realised that the packaging is already very professionally designed and is pretty difficult to improve on. It has just enough information to describe the chocolate bar in detail and still ensure that the type doesn't over fill the design.

It also retains the premium, upmarket quality that the brand represents and tries to communicate as well as representing and appealing to the defined target audience well. Each flavour of the chocolate has a different colour to represent the flavour, some of which work better than others which is one thing that probably could be improved on. I will also need to come up with some way to represent the idea of the 20 year longevity and maybe some minimal promotion of the event.

To start designing I first mocked up a quick similar design to the original packaging and played around with a few elements.

I have decided to carry on using the original Green & Blacks logo, after all they are not asking for a product rebrand, just a marketing campaign. Someone probably got paid a lot of money to come up with the logo and I don't see any point in messing around with it.

I have simplified the design slightly by using lines similar to those in the logo instead of actual blocks of separated colour.
One idea at this point was to go down the route of taking the concept back to basics and show exactly where the brand came from, using the original 70% cocoa bar as the basis of the campaign and show the fairtrade and organic aspects of it by using simplified design.

The other route would be to keep with the premium feel of the brand and just redesign it simply to represent the 20 years of chocolate making.

I first tried out this idea of moving around the leaf symbol to represent the G&B brand, using guides to make sure everything was aligned.

I decided that this design was too simple and didn't really do anything for the packaging redesign. It needs something a bit more to help represent the difference between this packaging and the previous one.

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