Monday, 24 May 2010

Speaking From Experience - Cards

Next I worked on the cards to go inside the money box which I designed to be similar to the airline safety cards but related to saving and showing a price guide. Each card would be related to a different aspect of the graphic design course: Library equipment, Printing and finally the Reading List books. 

On the front there is the symbol of the characters head and the product name "emergency savings" at the top left as one of the first things you read. 
Next to this is a small box with some writing. the beginning bit of writing is unique to each card and explains a bit about what the card shows and why it is important. Underneath that each card says "But first, here are some examples to remind you why saving is so important and can positively affect your life!" 
Under this there are 3 sequences which are unrelated to the course or the subject but are light hearted and are there just for humour. 

On the back there is the same image and type at the top, only it has been reversed. 
Under that there is the sequence which relates to the card. In the above example it shows the man needing to take out his money to buy a book because the card is related to the reading list. 
Under that it shows the important items/processes related to the card subject and their prices and then finally in the bottom right there is a tip of some kind related to the subject. 

I originally didn't like the space at the bottom of the front page and tried to fill it using another green bar as shown above, but no matter how I arranged the green bar it still looked weird so eventually I decided that it was best to just leave the white space which I now like. 

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