Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Speaking from Experience

For this instructional image I wanted to create another light hearted sequence about a vampire scaring the man and then after the money box is used then the vampire disappears. I originally had this design for the vampire, but I wanted it to feature somehow in the other frames as well so I tried to create a shadow which could get bigger over each frame as though the vampire was getting closer. 

I originally used this design for the shadow but I didn't really like the size of the mouth or the large white space.

I changed the idea to this design to see if it worked but it created some kind of spider-like look.

I also experimented with making the shadow look afraid for the last frame but this worked quite unsuccessfully.

Eventually I decided to scrap the vampire altogether and work with a ghost-like design instead, showing it getting bigger and bigger from the first frame and disappearing after the chart is filled in. 

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